zondag 10 mei 2009

I got zero inspiration lately.

Wrote on the 9th: Like the title says: " I got zero inspiration", it's true o so true. I'm always writing al this bullshit and making story's about stuff. But i think i got a non-inspiration virus. I can't think of anything to blog about. I think it got something to do with the pig flu, maybe i have it. Who knows, and now it is eating towards my brain so i can think of anything better than this stupid non,zero,njente inspiration story. I think i need to go places and see things cause lately i have bin very lazy cause i have vacantion, no working, no school, no stress, going to bed late at night, and most of all doing absolutely nothing. Maybe that is why i have no inspiration?, doing nothing = having no inspiration. From tomorrow i think i will go out and start doing something. Starting with going to a amusement park. I will keep ya'll posted and who knows, maybe in a few days i got something good to talk about. Wish me luck on my inspiration tour.

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